HOME - Бюро переводов в Алматы KazTranslate


Translation Agency KazTranslate works for you within all territory of Kazakhstan and proposes services on written and oral translation and interpreting from over 100 world languages.

We perform all types of language translation and interpreting:

  • Written translation - from 990 tenge / for 1 page;
  • Oral interpreting from 8000 tenge / for 1 hour;
  • Page proof and editing;

Notary Certification

Of a document:

  • Physical persons from 1290 tenge / document;
  • Legal persons from 2590 tenge / document.

Copies to:

  • Physical persons from 400 tenge / copy;
  • Legal persons from 660 tenge / copy.

  Our translation team based in various
locations of the city of Almaty  and the capital city of Astana make translation of documents in technical, legal, medical industries and urgent translations. You can order the service online from any location of the world or visiting our office and have the translated paper notarized.   

Payment for translation service is available via site without visiting our office.  

From: 9:00-19:00 

Payment methods


Pay by Card





СКИДКА!  Нотариальное заверение перевода от 2000 от 1290 тенге/документ


Перевод страницы от 990 тенге!
