• Алматы

    ул. Желтоксан, д. 35, офис № 33

  • Астана

    Улица Иманова, 11, офис 106,

  • Шымкент

    Ул. Сайрамская, 235/1.

  • Актобе

    Ул. Маресьева, 95, 1 этаж, офис 51.

  • Караганда

    пр. Назарбаева, 23, н.п. 1.

  • Тараз

    Жиллой массив: Телецентр 11

  • Усть-Каменогорск (Оскемен).

    пр. Назарбаева, 35/2.

  • Павлодар

    ул. Бектурова, д 22, этаж 2.

  • Атырау

    пр. Азаттык, д 94, 1 этаж.

  • Кызылорда

    Абая, 30/63, 1 этаж.

  • Актау

    мкр , 30, д. 181, нежилое помещение 9.


Translation Agency "KazTranslate" offers the services of apostilization, legalization and translation of out coming (Kazakh) documents during 5 working days.

 Apostilization is the way of a document legalization. Apostilization is a procedure making foreign documents valid for being submitted to the public authorities of other countries or assuring the validity of official documents issued in the Republic of Kazakhstan in other states. It shall be put on the original document or a certified copy in the form of a stamp. Apostille services are rendered in the issuing county. Thus, the authorized bodies of Kazakhstan shall attach apostille only on the documents of Kazakh origin.

Apostile is predominantly required for educational or occupational documents, diplomas, certificates, estates in land, constituent acts etc.

Apostille text:

The name of a state and city having put apostille;

The last name and position of a person having signed the document;

Stamp, document date and number;

Agency name and seal, the signature affixed by an official to apostille the document;

In 1961 a simplified consular certification procedure was developed for the countries having signed the Hague Convention. Apostille procedure is valid for all the Hague Convention participants.

Thelistofcountriesthat signed the Hague Convention in 1961:

 Albania, the Principality of Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, the Republic of Argentine, the Republic of Armenia, Australia, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Bahamas Islands, the Republic of Barbados, the Republic of Belarus, the Kingdom of Belgium, Belize, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Botswana, Brunei, the Republic of Bulgaria, the Chinese Peoples Republic (the Province of Hong Kong, Macao), the Republic of Colombia, the Cook Islands, the Republic of Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, the Commonwealth of Dominica, the Republic of Ecuador,  the Republic of El Salvador, the Republic of Estonia, Sovereign Democratic Republic of Fiji, the Republic of Finland, the Republic of France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Niue (autonomous state associated in New Zealand), the Republic of Greece, Grenada, Georgia (excluding the autonomous Republic of Abkhazia and ex autonomous region of South Ossetia), the Republic of Honduras, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Iceland, the Republic of India, the Republic of Ireland, Israel, the Republic of Italy, Japan, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Latvia, the Kingdom of Lesotho, the Republic of Liberia, the Principality of Lichtenstein,  the Republic of Lithuania, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. The Republic of Macedonia, the Republic of Malawi, the Republic of Malta, the Marshall Islands, Mauritius, the United Mexican States, Moldova, Monaco, the Republic of Namibia, the Kingdom of Netherlands, New Zealand, the Kingdom of Norway, the Republic of Panama, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Portuguese, Romania, the Russian Federation, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent, Grenadine, Samoa, San Marino, Serbia and Montenegro, the Seychelles, the Republic of Slovakia, the Republic of Slovenia, the Republic of South Africa, the Kingdom of Spain, the Republic of Suriname, the Kingdom of Swaziland, Sweden, Swiss Confederation, the Kingdom of Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, the Republic of Turkey, Ukraine, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States of America, the Republic of Venezuela, Denmark, the Republic of Korea.

 Consular certification is the confirmation of a document’s compliance with the laws of the country of origin, that is, certifying the authenticity of an official's signature and seal. Consular certification is a more complicated and expensive procedure in price as compared to apostilization. 

 How one can find out whether he/she needs a consular certification or not? In case the country signed the Hague Convention in 1961, apostilization is required. If not, it is better to apply to the agency accepting your documents.   

Legaladviceregarding the apostilizationand legalization of incoming (foreign)documentsis offered in the Embassies and Consular Agencies of Kazakhstan. 

The contact information of Embassies and Consular Agencies.  





 Contacts (telephone)


12 Baitasova Str., Almaty

8(727)2700221, 27,11

Great Britain

27 Zholdasbekova Str., Almaty



99, Furmanov Str.,  Almaty

8(727)3969800, 3969820

The Republic of Italy

41, Kazybek Str., Almaty

8(727)2980572, 2980576


2 Ivanilova Str., the main residential area of Gornyi Gigant

8(727)2628341, 2628357, 2628346, 2628349


3 Koshkarbaieva Str., Astana

8(7172)702100, 540914


1020, the residential area of Karaotkel, Astana

8(7172)563714, 563826

The United Arab Emirates

150, Diplomatic small town, С-150, Astana

8(7172)243675, 243676


Office 63, the 6th floor, Kabanbai Batyra Str., Astana

8(7172)244684, 244743


62 Kosmonavtov Str., the residential area of Chubary, Astana.

8(7172)977843, 977842


6/1  Kabanbai Batya Str., Astana

8(7172)925326, 925329


62, Kosmonavtov Str., the residential area of Chubary,  Astana.

8(7172)977843, 977842


30, Saraishyk Str., Astana

8(7172)286067, 285060


26 Saraishyk Str., Astana


Payment methods


Pay by Card


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