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пр. Назарбаева, 23, н.п. 1.
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Абая, 30/63, 1 этаж.
мкр , 30, д. 181, нежилое помещение 9.
Translation bureau renders translation/interpreting services and performs translation of documents “from” and “into” more than 100 world languages by native speakers that makes our translation the best in the context of sense translation and stylistic.
The company «KazTranslate» consists of not only regular staff but and also more than 200 freelance employees are translators/interpreters, editors and page makers that allows to work with bilateral translation practically in all languages and in any thematic. Our translation bureau performs not only such language pair as, for example, English-Russian/Russian-English but and also English-Chinese/Chinese/English etc.
High quality of translations/interpreting is the main objective of our translation bureau and weexert every effort for its achievement. We choose the best translators and interpreters by the mean of their questionnaire and testing. We cooperate with professional editors which verify translations for correspondence of terminology and stylistic. We work on the system of obligatory two-level control at which the text at the beginning is being translated and then checked by editor.
For optimization of process of orders processing, we have elaborated own system of projects management which allows to operatively distribute orders between translators and control the process of its performance.
Our translation bureau understands that factor of time plays an important role in business; therefore, we always try to propose to clients the most optimal terms of performance of translations and flexible in the case of necessity of performance of express orders.
TIME LIMITS and quality
Time limits of performance of translation for many clients are a key factor in choice of one or another translation agency. Translation agency «KazTranslate» is always willing to propose to clients the most optimal time limits of performance of an order. For performance of written translations, time limits are being determined on the basis of quantity of standard pages. The most optimal speed of translation is volume of 7-10 standard pages per day. However, if you need translation inlimited time, we can be flexible organized express performance of translation. In some cases, it will mean increasing of translation cost.
Our bureau has elaborated own system of management of translation projects for support of operative interaction between managers and translator that is, in turn, one of the factors affecting on time limits of performance of orders.
Qualityoftranslations.For provision of quality of written translations, we have selected the best translators having higher philological education and specialization in concrete branch of knowledge. Everyone our translators have large experience of translations on concrete thematic. After performance of translation, the text is obligatorily verified by editor: depending on thematic of the text, we involve for work technical or literary editors. Such system of obligatory two-level verification of translations allows us to perform written translations of higher quality. At the request of the customer, we also perform free of charge test translations which allow to check level of our translators and ensure in quality of rendering services. Moreover, samples of various translations performed by our translation bureau are represented in our site.
We lay the same severe claims to interpreter of our translation bureau. Success of business negotiations, conference or presentation of production depends on work of interpreter, his/her skill to establish a contact, skill to quickly orient in situation. At order of interpreter, we provide to the customer an opportunity to familiarize with questionnaire of our interpreters containing information about their education and work experience.
Requirements to quality of our services and responsibility of translation bureau are always firmly recorded in the contract.
Many Kazakhstan and international organizations have already made sure in quality of our work.